Minor Prophets (Adults)

Zechariah Chapters 9 and 10

Lesson written by Kevin Johnson

Chapter 9

1.  From verses 1-2, whom was the burden of the word of the Lord against?

2.  What had Tyre done?  What would happen to her?

3.  What other cities would see this and fear and sorrow?

4.  What would happen to the Philistines?

5.  What would God do to His house?

6. Why should the daughter of Zion rejoice?

7.  Why would God set the prisoners free?

8.  Describe the deliverance of the Lord from verses 12-15.

9.  What language is used to describe the glory of Israel in verses 16-17?

Chapter 10

1. What does the prophecy of rain in verse 1 mean?

2.  What were the problems Israel was facing?  What would God do about them?

3.  From verse 6, what were God’s plans for Judah?

4.  From verses 7 and 8, what would happen when God carried out his plans?

5.  From where would God retrieve His people? How many would return?